I recently met a gentleman from England, along with his wife, as they were milling about outside of Madison Square Garden.
He referred to himself as "Egghead," I'm guessing due to his bald head. I first noticed the logo for the band Slayer on the back of his calf, along with several other interesting looking tattoos. He estimated he has about a dozen tattoos.
But, like the best http://tattoosmonday.blogspot.com/ stories, he shared this amazing tattoo on his right shoulder, hidden under a sweatshirt, which he pulled off so I could see it properly:
That's a phenomenal piece, courtesy of his artist Ben Boston at The Tattoo Studio in Bristol, England.

The tattoo is a likeness of Eddie, mascot for the band Iron Maiden, one of the premiere metal bands that came out of England in the late 1970's/early 1980's. I won't bore the reader with the catalog of my Iron Maiden fandom, but it certainly made the tattoo even that more wonderful for me.
I even had a nice chat with Egghead and his wife about concerts we had attended.
I thank Egghead for sharing this awesome tattoo with us here on http://tattoosmonday.blogspot.com/!
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